May 5th

Trainer - Von Peallman - Here for 6 years next October
Everything will be on a need to know basis

On the ocean somewhere north of Virginia(?)
We are part of Station 12
Follow orders, do as told, fast and effeciency

We will need to pick up on things quickly.
- all opperations will be monitored
u/p:     rjones / Ttlg716
typing help seems to show what commands are avaible to you
May 8th
Dearest Jamie,
I have lost track of the days. This might be day 7 or 10 or... It doesn't really matter. I hope this letter reaches you, and all is well. This is all so strage yet familar. I hope I can make you proud. But I do have one thing to ask of you: Who were those men who came to the house and why didn't they know who I was? Our world was so ordinary before The world has turned and left me here Just where I was before you appeared And in your place, an empty space Has filled the void behind my face......